

beginning/end – enso – nothingness/fulness

a graphically expressed state of mind at a moment in time.

. drawing enso is not much about creating an art-form as much it is a meditative experience – even so for a brief moment.

enso can be quite perfectly circular or be unevenly balanced, almost a complete circle or incomplete, bold or gentle, well-defined or a gesture — all complementing the state of mind of its creator during that brief period of time. The open circle, even referred to as an ‘incomplete circle’, captures motion, fluidity, an on-going state. A more closed circle defines poise, a fuller state.

circle – a shape which seems to be naturally the simplest (or is it a line segment? or a point? which is again a tiny circle?) It is a symbolic inference of: void(mu)/infinity, everything/nothing, beginning/end (full cycle), zero (shunya). It is also a simplistic 2D representation of a sphere, which is again one of the natural forms – a drop of water (without any force like gravity) would be a sphere, a bubble, etc. It also seems to be the most unbiased – no corners, no sides, no favours to any opinion..

.. the imperfect nature and open definition of enso allows for a variety of interpretations – much as varied is life’s interpretation, made up of pain and happiness, good and bad, white and black, and all the shades & hues in between.. : ( : )


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